Puppy training

3 Best Puppy Training Tips I Use To Raise A Healthy And Obedient Pets!


Best puppy training method is based on a few solid foundations. As long as you understand them and remain patient and consistent in implementing some of the dog training techniques outlines below you can achieve great success and raise a friendly and well-behaving pet.

In this short article I will discuss how to approach the subject of toilet training your dog, feeding him and stopping some of the bad habits he might have developed. All of these form the basis for the entire range of the best puppy training methods out there.

Best Puppy Training Part 1 – How To Toilet Train My Dog?

There are two crucial elements of the housebreaking process:

a) Firstly, you need to provide your pet with a ‘den’, a place where he can hide from all the stressful stimuli around him and get some rest.

Dogs are naturally clean animals and they will not soil their leaving space so make sure to use this knowledge to your advantage. Living in a den (crate or part of a room isolated with a baby gate) will force your dog to learn how to control bladder and colon and resist from eliminating indoors until he’s let outside.

b) Secondly, you will have to specify a toilet area somewhere in the yard and start taking your dog to this place on a regular basis.

Use a leash to limit your pet’s movement possibilities so that he has to stay within the chosen area. Remember to use the same command while he’s eliminating in order to associate it in his mind with the process of urinating or defecating. Your dog should quickly learn that when you say ‘outside’ he is supposed to go to the usual spot and relieve himself.

Best Puppy Training Part 2 – How Do I Feed My Pet?

Best puppy training cannot be done without a proper approach to feeding. If you don’t spend a bit of time researching this subject and give your dog meals that lack vitamins, minerals or nutritional elements he will quickly loose health.

The best solution is to use dry kibble which is a highly nutritious and well-balanced food source and will significantly improve your dog’s teeth condition. Don’t ever leave the food available for longer than 15 minutes or refill the bowl in case your pet emptied it. Dogs are voracious animals and they will eat more even if they are not hungry. This can result in an obese animal that will require a lot of health care in the future because of it’s excessive body weight, weak bones etc.

Best Puppy Training Part 3 – How To Eliminate Bad Habits?

Your dog may quickly get involved in such bad habits as excessive barking, chewing valuable stuff or even eating poop. All of these can be caused by boredom and can be eliminated if you provide your pet with something to do.

Make sure to take your dog on regular walks where he can socialize with other animals and play fight with them. You can also sign him up for an obedience class where you will get a chance to teach him some basic obedience commands and learn more about your pet’s behavior. Combination of mental and physical efforts that is a significant part of such courses will make your dog tired really fast and a tired dog is a calm dog It will be beneficial to his health as well, as plenty of movement will help him burn fat and strengthen the bones. These few best puppy training tips will help you raise a healthy and well-behaving dog.

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